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chamber music festivals造句

  • The Santa Fe Chamber Music Festival is in its 27th year.
  • He is also the Director of the Missouri Chamber Music Festival.
  • In 2012, Mother Falcon headlined The Austin Chamber Music Festival.
  • In 1998 he organized a classical chamber music festival in Haarlem.
  • He is founder and artistic director of the Chickasaw Chamber Music Festival.
  • Nakai premiered it at the Santa Fe Chamber Music Festival.
  • She has begun her own chamber music festival in Utrecht.
  • The orchestra also sponsors the annual Pearl Amster Youth Chamber Music Festival.
  • In 2012, he performed with the Santa Fe Chamber Music Festival.
  • In 2016 he performed at the International Chamber Music Festival in Jerusalem.
  • It's difficult to see chamber music festivals in a sentence. 用chamber music festivals造句挺难的
  • The city's chamber music festival has been held annually since 1993.
  • As its name suggests, the chamber music festival will focus on contemporary trends.
  • Naantali, Finland _ Naantali Chamber Music Festival.
  • Folkestone has an annual Chamber Music Festival each May curated by the Sacconi Quartet.
  • Programs include : Native American Arts, Metals Week & the Chamber Music Festival.
  • Ashley Wass is currently the Artistic Director of the Lincolnshire International Chamber Music Festival.
  • During " Trondheim Chamber Music Festival"
  • Heiichiro Ohyama of the Santa Fe Chamber Music Festival became a great mentor of mine.
  • The Santa Fe Chamber Music Festival, by contrast, has always welcomed American composers.
  • He is also one of the artistic directors of the Nuremberg International Chamber Music Festival.
  • 更多造句:  1  2  3
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